how we started

two cousins on mat leave at the same time looking for nutritious food their babes would actually eat. with everything on the market being less than what we hoped for, we decided to make our own.

for sarah the struggle was real, her son refused everything. he had a very selective palate but through trial and error we curated the perfect puree, the picky eater.

diana was already on baby number 2 when mangia mangia began, and both daughters were born foodies. they couldn't get enough of trying new flavours, which coined the world traveller puree.

what we stand for

at mangia mangia, we're firm believers in giving babies the very best start in life. we want to provide our children and your children with the purest foods out there.


organic food isn't just a trend for us; it's a non-negotiable. our dedication to providing babies with organic options stems from the belief that our babies deserve nothing but the best.

reducing exposure

babes developing bodies are more sensitive to toxins which is why we ensure our products are free from harmful chemicals commonly found in conventional foods

tasty delights

to only be healthy is not enough for us. we want your babes to be wanting more and more with every bite, which is why our recipes have been tested by multiple palates to find the perfect combinations for your littles. exposing them early to a wide array of tastes can set the stage for developing a palate that appreciates diverse foods.

environmental impact

opting for organic supports sustainable farming practices that prioritize soil health, water conservation, and biodiversity, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations

allergen awareness

the earlier a child is introduced to the allergen the less likely they are to develop the allergy, according to recent studies and recommended exposure to common allergens. we are not a nut free facility for this reason and advise to use the three day rule with each allergen introduction.

long-term health

by establishing a foundation of wholesome, organic foods early on, we're helping to shape their eating habits for a lifetime of better health

fresh vs jarred

while jarred foods may offer convenience at times, the benefits of fresh, homemade meals are hard to beat

nutrient dense

fresh foods are richer in vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients compared to jarred alternatives, ensuring toddlers get the most nutritional bang for their bite

minimal processing

fresh foods are minimally processed, preserving their natural goodness and flavors, while jarred foods may require higher heat and extended preservation methods that can reduce nutrient content

texture exploration

this allows toddlers to experience a variety of textures, helping with oral and motor skill development as they learn to chew and swallow different consistencies

no additives

we avoid salt, sugar, additives, and preservatives that are sometimes present in jarred options